Simple math functions in Excel - Data Analysis Tool: Ch 1

Hi everybody welcome back. I hope everybody's doing well. We're just gonna today go over a quick tutorial on getting familiar with some of the simple math operations within. Excel I get y'all familiarized with it before moving forward so just going to cover how to do addition subtraction multiplication and compute some averages and in a few simple little things in. Excel today real quick so we got Excel open and I'm just going to quickly make a little dataset for you guys so something to mess around with for a little bit a little trick in. Excel if y'all weren't aware of that you can. I you know dump them with certain intervals and Excel will take it and then you just highlight the blocks as you want. You can drag them down. You see how it goes bite in there or it goes 1 to 10 there as well but anyways if we want to get addition we'll see the sum here we can subtract multiplication and division. So these are fairly simple. If you want to just if you already know a lot values what you want to subtract or you want to add you can do that generically by itself if you want to do. 10 plus 20 this say that should equal 30 and it automatically computes that there and you see how its type in equal. I will uses use of parentheses here and then in parentheses and type everything within it. The same thing with subtraction saying would want to do 20 minus 10. Right and there you go that equals 10 in multiplication. Usually you just have to use an asterisk okay. 2 times 5 messed that up real quick in the ninth 3 times 5 and that's equal to in here okay and then division so if we want to do ten divided by two that's your equal 5 so that's way to compute them all and you can see the computations here as well. Okay now say if we want to do something. A little more complex is really not that complex. We could add this whole whole column here. Right we can do this. We could do equals some parentheses. And then here it tells you to enter the numbers that you want to but you can also click on a one and then you can just drag it all the way to a ten so see how it goes a one with colon here a 10 then you close the parentheses and hit enter.

That adds everything there together. Okay why this functions really neat is if one of these values happen to change within here and let's say is 50. See how this is 55 now if we change that value to 50 it automatically updates that Kong for you okay and the same can be done with other things. Let's try the average and we can do an average of this column is but also equals and that computes the mean so one through n see how it goes a 1 through a 10 this is a 1 through 8 and here you can close parentheses and now give you an average there now doing subtraction. Let's say obviously you can't subtract all this from itself it's generally good to have a good number but one thing you can do is we could subtract this whole column here and I'm just gonna control click it and see how that equals C 12 and xboxone there and let's say we want to take 50 away from it right did I give this the value there okay. So it's 1 plus 2. Plus 3 plus 4 plus 5 or 6 and so forth and multiplicative it multiplication can be done the same way. Look we have value in c12 and we want to multiply that by say 10 okay just for simplicity we add as Iran to close 950 now if this value changes. Let's change this again. See how all these columns up here. Because everything's predicated on some value of a 1 or a 10 that's the total sum in it's multiplication values some value times 10 all right and even the average change 2 as well so if we change this back let's change it to a thousand and all these numbers here changes what so kind of mess around with it. Those are some simple functions to get y'all familiar with this and how it operates not too complex. Nothing too complex. Today there is one other thing. I want y'all to know understand is to get this data analysis tool you can find links on YouTube. That show you how to install is real simple.

Just go to file you. Click on this options here and you add adding here and you're going to click on your Excel add-ins and CRE have the analysis toolpak re available to me so click on this data tab here like the data analysis here and you have a variety of functions that we'll definitely use later on going forward with statistics with these types of tests every one but for simplicity descriptive statistics describe a sample. Okay describe measures of central tendency. This is your input range here. Let's say we want a 1 through a 10 see how. I just highlighted those boxes and dragged it down and that's that the output range this is where I want the box to be and let's put it over here. I want to keep the summary statistics the confidence interval if I had labeled this column say it was age or something or somebody's you know favorite device cream or whatever and then I can just click okay and it gives me a whole bunch of different summary statistics some descriptive statistics the mean which is basically the average the median which is basically the middle number. It's between five and six right there and these are measures of central tendency which we'll talk about later on as well and the standard deviation you know all these things that are of interest for statistical purposes okay so. I'll play around with these looking the assigned readings for this week. And hopefully you know. I'll help you out going forward. Y'all take care.