Research Paper Abstract

The research paper abstract is usually the first section to be read and its content can either attract or repel a reader. An understanding of the meaning and purpose of the article, research paper abstract is important to good research paper abstract writing. An abstract has been defined as " brief summary of a research article that emphasizes what is new, captures the salient features of the purpose, design, findings, and implications, and contains no  unnecessary  sentences or explanations ."

 The purpose of the article, research paper abstract is to make it easy for readers to quickly grasp the key points of the article. This will help them determine the interest in the article and/ or its relevance to their work. As a brief summary, the research paper abstract is expected to be an exact reflection of the content of the main text. It should not contain any information that is not presented in the main text, neither is it expected to exclude vital findings or shortcomings of the research. The emphasis should be on the novel features of the article, and it should be presented logically along the lines of the sections of the article's main text. This includes context background, objectives, the setting of the research work done or materials and methods, findings / results and conclusions from the results.

Importance of abstract in a research paper are: