More power to Data Analysis through Python

If you already work with data in Excel, and  want to add more power to your data analysis   and evaluation using Python, then this is the  course for you. Frank is a data scientist,   and he will teach you how to use Python to work  with data. Hi, everyone, my name is Frank and   draw that. And this is my Python course for Excel  users. I created this course to help Excel users   move from Excel to Python. That why Python?  Well, in Python, we can do most of the things   we will do in Excel, such as working with data,  making charts, and pivot tables. But that's not   all. We can use all the power of Python  to automate tasks, work with large data,   and do lots of things. Thanks to the 1000s  of Free Libraries Python has on top of that,   Python can help you become a better data analyst  or get into new fields like data science,   I divided this Python course for Excel users in  three modules. In module one, I'll teach you all   the Python core concepts you need to know for data  analysis. Then in module two, we'll learn pandas,   pandas is a Python data analysis library that will  help us do most of the things, we can do an excel   in module three, we'll put into practice what we  learned in this course, by creating a pivot table   and visualizations such as line plots, bar plots,  and pie charts. Remember that in the description,   you will find the files code, as well as a free  PDF Python cheat sheet I created for this course.   There, you will find the concepts, methods and  functions we will see in this course. By the way,   I'm Frank, and I will be your instructor  in this course. So let's get started.   To download Anaconda, we go to and  click on get started. Then we choose their last   option download Anaconda is Tollers. And then we  have here that different Anaconda is taught. So   there are Windows, Mac, and Linux. So in my case,  I'm going to choose Mac, and I'm gonna choose the   64 bit graphical installer. So now I'm downloaded  Anaconda.

And once it's downloaded, I'm gonna   click on it, and a message will pop up. Do you  just have to click on Allow us I'm going to do   right now. So just click on Allow and then  click on continue until the installation starts.   So I just click Continue and then agree and then  continue. And it's going to start installing   Anaconda. In case you're on Windows and you're  installing Python or Anaconda for the first time,   make sure to check the first box you see now  on screen. So I'm going to speed up the video   now. Okay, the installation is almost done. And  now it's telling me that Anaconda works with pi   term. And now I'm just going to click on Continue  to finish that installation. So I click Continue.   And then we'll see just a summary of what was  installed. And now I'm going to close this window   and I'm going to open Anaconda. So I'm going to  locate that icon, it's green icon, this one that   you see here. And I'm going to open Anaconda. I'm  going to wait a couple of seconds. And let's see   what was installed. So here we have that you put  your lab and Jupyter notebook, which are widely   used in data science. So I'm going to launch  Jupyter Notebook. So here it's opening Jupyter   Notebook. Let's give it a second. And now we open  a new notebook with python three. So python three   was installed to and that's it. In the following  videos, we'll learn how to use Jupyter Notebook.   In this video, I will introduce you to the  Jupyter notebook interface. Jupyter Notebook   is an open source web application that allows  us to create and share documents that contain   live code equations, visualizations,  and text. This is a perfect text editor   for doing data cleaning and transformation.  That visualization and data analysis this is why   Jupyter Notebook is widely used in data science  and also machine learning. As you might remember,   we installed Jupyter notebook in Python with the  Anaconda navigator in this means that we already   have installed some popular libraries used in  Python for data analysis.

By the way, one of the   terms of Jupyter Notebook is Jupiter lab. Both are  similar, but we're going to use Jupyter notebook   in this course, because of its simplicity. So  let's open Jupyter Notebook. And to do that,   we have to click here on the launch button. So I  click here. Now we wait a couple of seconds Now we   have here the interface of Jupyter Notebook. So  I'm gonna maximize this. And by default Jupyter   Notebook opens the root directory of your  computer, it's a good idea to create a folder   where all your Python scripts will be located. In  my case, this folder is called Anaconda scripts.   So I click here. And now I can navigate through  the folders. And the folder I'm going to use for   this example is this one that says my course here,  we're going to create our first python script.   To do that, we click here on the New button. So  click here, and we have to click on the first   option that says, python three, there are other  options like text file folder, or the terminal,   but we're not going to use these options  in this course. So click on python three.   And now we have a Python script powered  by Jupyter Notebook. So here on the right,   you can see that it says python three, and also  there is the Python logo. And on the left, you   can see here the Jupyter Notebook logo, and also  the name of this Jupyter Notebook file, we can   change the name of the file by clicking here on  on title. So I click here, and I can change it to,   let's say, example. So I write example, in I click  on Rename, and now we rename these up or not file.   Alright, now let's navigate through this menu bar  that we have here in this Jupyter Notebook file.   So the first option is the file. In here, we can  create a new notebook with python three. So if we   click here, we're going to open a new Jupyter  Notebook file from scratch as we did before,   then we have the open and in this case, we can  open a Jupyter Notebook we created before we can   also make a copy to Jupyter Notebook and then  change the name, we can save a Jupyter Notebook   file and rename the file as we did before, we only  click here and rename the file, then we can save   all the progress we make in Jupyter Notebook.

For example, after writing many lines of code,   you can save all the progress you make by pressing  Ctrl S or Command S on Mac, and you're going to   create a checkpoint. And later you can revert to  a previous checkpoint by using this option here.   So here you will see many checkpoints and you  can revert to a previous checkpoint. By the way,   by default Jupyter Notebook makes saves  every third seconds or maybe one minute.   So there is no need to press Ctrl S every time. So  keep that in mind. Then we have other options that   I don't use so much like print this Jupyter  notebook or export that Jupyter Notebook   file to HTML or PDF and so on. Okay, now  let's see the second option that says Edit.   And here we can edit all the cells we have here  in this Jupyter Notebook. By the way, here,   what you see here on the screen is a cell. So we  can edit with this edit option. For example, we   can cat cells, we can copy cells paste cells above  and delete cells. On the right, you can see the   shortcuts that we're going to see on the next  video in detail. And well, you can check all the   edit options that you can perform on Jupyter  notebook here, then in the V option, we can   toggle the header, the toolbar and also line  numbers. So here, if I click on toggle header,   the header is going to disappear. And if I click  on toggle toolbar, this toolbar disappears to   also here and toggle line numbers we can show  here line numbers. So if I write anything,   we can see that it says 123 and so on. And  I'm not going to use this for this course,   I'm going to leave it with the default  options. So here I'm going to revert to the   original options. So without line numbers, and  I want to show the header and also the toolbar,   but you can personalize it as you want.

Next in  the insert options, we can insert cells above   or below, we only click here. And well we're going  to see the shortcuts later in the next video.   Then we have the cell options, we can run cells or  run all the cells in this Jupyter Notebook file.   And then we have the kernel option. And a kernel  is a computational engine that executes the code   contained in a notebook document. When we open  Jupyter Notebook. A kernel is automatically   launched. And we can interrupt this kernel by  clicking here. So by interrupting we can pause   the execution of our code we can also restart  everything and do more things here. Sometimes,   for example, I interrupt the kernel when I line  of code or a cell takes too much time to execute.   And well you can do the same here with restart or  interrupt. Then we have the Navigate option that   doesn't actually have anything here, widgets  that I don't use so much and will help that,   I think it will send you to that documentation  of Jupyter Notebook. And you can read it if you   want. All right here. Then we have the toolbar,  and here you will find some shortcuts of the   menu bar that we've seen before. For example,  here, you can save and make checkpoint. So here I   click here. And as you can see, here, it says  checkpoint graded, or something like that, yeah,   checkpoint created and the time that he was  created, then you can here with this plus button,   insert, cell below sway click here, and as you  can see, we can insert a cell below. And also you   can use shortcuts, but that I'm going to show you  in the next video, then we can cap selected cells   with this button, we can copy a cell with this  bottom. And also we can pace sales below. Also,   we can move a cell above or below, for example,  I'm going to write anything here in this cell,   I can move it evolve with this button or below,  as you can see here, then we can run this code,   for example, I can write the number one, and  then run the code.

And as you can see here,   the code ran and it shows the number one and well,  those are some of the frequently used buttons   in the toolbar. And that's everything you need to  know about this Jupyter Notebook file. Okay, now,   before finishing this video, I'm going to show  you some other options that you can find here in   the user notebook interface. In here, you can see  that there are some other options. So right now   we are in the Files tab. And we can change to  the running tab here. And here you can see all   the currently running Jupyter Notebook processes.  For example, we can see here that Jupyter Notebook   file we created and that we opened. So you can  recognize that you put your notebook file is open,   or that is running, because here the icon will be  in green. So here if we go back to the Files tab,   we can see that this Jupyter Notebook file, which  by the way has the IP y and b extension is in   green, so the icon is in green. So this indicates  that the file is running in well, it was opened.   So here we can see that is open, and we can shut  down this file. And this is different from closing   this file. For example, here I have the file.  And if I close this file, here, we can see that   file is still running. Here we see running  is in green, and in the running tab,   it still shows up. So if we want to shut down  this file, we click here. And it says that there   are not not books running. And we can see here  that the notebook has a great icon. Alright,   then we have the clusters tab and this tab I  don't use so much. And actually, it doesn't show   anything here. And then we have the NB Extensions  tab. Here, you can install any extension to   personalize Jupyter Notebook even more, and we're  going to see some cool Jupyter Notebook extensions   in the next videos. And by the way, this NBA  Extensions tab doesn't show up in some versions   of Jupyter Notebook, but we can easily install  it and we'll also see how to install these ennemi   extension step in the next videos.

Finally, we  have this box that shows our directory. So here   this folder indicates that root directory. So if  I click here, we are not in the root. And if I   click on the folders, Anaconda script and then my  course I go to the folder where I was before. And   that's it. These are all the things you need to  know about the Jupyter notebook interface. Okay,   in this video, we're gonna see some cell types and  cell modes in Jupyter Notebook. So first, we're   going to open that Jupiter notebook file that we  created in the previous video, which is this one   example that I p y and b. So we click on it. And  here we have the Jupyter Notebook file opened.   In here by default, we have these four sold in  command mode. And we can say that this is command   mode because here this blue color indicates  that the cell is in command mode. And when we   are in command mode, we can do things outside  the scope of any individual cell. So basically   all the tools we see here in the toolbar, we can  apply it in command mode. Also in command mode,   we can apply some shortcuts that I'm going to show  you later. And for example, if we want to see the   shortcut window, we press the letter H in command  mode, and we can see the keyboard shortcuts here.   So here You can see all the shortcuts in all the  shortcuts that you can apply in commandment. Now   I'm going to close this one. And also you can  apply different shortcuts like for example,   if you press B in the command mode, you will  see that there is a new cell because B is the   shortcut that introduces a new cell below. Now,  if we press enter, you're going to see that the   color is going to change to green. So here we have  green color. And this green color indicates that   we are in Edit mode. And the edit mode is for  all the actions you will usually perform in the   context of the cell.

For example, introducing  text or writing code. So here I can write,   say 123. So if I write 123, and then I click  on this run button, I'm going to run this cell.   And as you can see here, I run this first  cell. And also after running the cell,   you can see that we are again in command mode.  So to go to Edit Mode, we press Enter again, and   now we can edit the numbers we introduced. So for  example, I can write 456, and then run again. And   here you can see that the output shows 12345, and  six. By the way, if you try to use the shortcut   in edit mode, it won't work here, press enter. And  now I'm on edit mode. And if I press the nether H,   you can see that nothing happens, we don't have  the shortcut window. And if I press the letter B,   you can see that we don't insert any cell below.  This happens because those shortcuts work only on   command mode. So to escape this edit mode, we have  to press the Escape button. So press escape. And   now I'm again in command mode. So if I press H, we  have here that keyboard shortcut. And if I press   B, you can see that we inserted a new cell. And  that's it for the command in the edit mode. Now   we'll see the cell types in Jupyter notebook in  Jupyter Notebook. There are three main cell types.   And we can see all of them in this drop down here.  Right now the type of this cell is code. So here   it says code. But if we press here, you can see  other cell types like Markdown and row and B   convert. So we're gonna see first a code cell,  and it already has the check. So this one is a   code cell. So now I press here, and now well, it's  in code cell. If I press Enter, I'm in edit mode.   And here I can introduce any code I want. So here  I can write any number 99. If I press Control,   Enter, we can see that here, this is the input  in here we got the output of this code, we're   going to see how the code cell works throughout  this course. But now it's time to see how that   markdown cell works in Jupyter Notebook.

So here,  I'm going to the cell. Now I'm going to change the   cell type. So I press here in the drop down.  And now I select markdown in the markdown cell,   we can introduce any type of text we want. For  example, we can introduce titles. So if I delete   this and press the hash sign, we can get title. So  one hash, it means title. So here I press a space   in now I write title. Now I press Ctrl, enter  or this run button to run the cell. In here,   we got the title. By the way, you shouldn't get  this one number because I use modify the default   behavior of Jupyter Notebook. So mine enumerates  the titles and subtitles, but in your case, you   will see only the word title. And if you want, you  can introduce also subtitles here. So for example,   I'm going to insert a new cell with this button  is plus button. And now I'm going to move this   cell up with this button here. So I press this  in now I'm going to change the cell type from   code cell to markdown cell. So I go to the  drop down and select markdown. And by the way,   you can change the cell type also with shortcuts.  So if you're in command mode, you can press the   Y button to change the code cell. So I press  the Y button. And as you can see here, it says   in and this in with square brackets indicates that  this is a code cell. So here I can press enter and   introduce any code here I introduce numbers and  press the Run button. And here you can see that   we have an input and an output. So this is a  code cell. But now we can press the M button   to make this cell a markdown cell. So now  we press M and here we are in command mode.   So now we can get this markdown cell in here. You  don't see that in Word with the square brackets   anymore. So now I'm going to edit mode so I  just press here or Well, you can press enter to   Go to Edit mode. In order to introduce a subtitle,  I'm gonna write double hash sign. So I press   hash sign twice.

Now let's paste in. Now I'm  going to write a subtitle. So I write subtitle,   I press Ctrl, Enter, or the run button to  run the cell. And we've got here a subtitle.   And we can also introduce text, I'm going  to introduce a new cell with a plus button.   And you can also do it without beat shortcuts.  I'm going to do it with a B shortcut, right now,   I press B. And here I got this new cell.  And we can move this with this button here.   And now we have this cell in the position we want  it. So here, I can introduce text by converting   the cell to markdown. So here, I choose markdown.  Now you press Enter to go to Edit Mode. And here   I can introduce any text. For example, I can write  hello, I press Control, Enter. And now we can see   that we have here this text. And finally, the last  type of cell is that row and B convert. And this   type of cell is not ever loaded by the notebook  kernel. So if we convert this code cell to a row   cell, this cell won't be emulated by the notebook  kernel. So let's try here, I press row, and be   converted. Now we can see that this looks like a  plain cell. And well this type of cell is not used   that often, actually, we're going to use only  that code cell and a markdown cell in this course.   And that's it. In this video, you'll learn the  cell types and cell modes in Jupyter Notebook.   Okay, in this video, we're going to see  some common shortcuts used in Jupyter   Notebook. And we're going to start with the F  shortcut. And by the way, to use this shortcut,   you have to make sure you're in the command  mode and to verify during the command mode,   make sure that the cell has this blue  color. Okay, now during the command mode,   you can press the letter F, and you're going to  see these Find and Replace. So this first shortcut   allows us to find our word in a cell and then  replace it with another word. For example,   I can write here the word hello. And  here, it found the word hello, inside this   hello, world sentence.

And now I can replace  this word with the world. Say hi, for example.   So here, I write Hi, in red, we can see the match.  And in green, we can see the word that we're going   to insert. So here, let's click on Replace all.  And now you can see that it doesn't say hello   world anymore. But now it says Hi, world. So now  I press Ctrl Enter, which is another shortcut to   run the cell. So you can press here and run  or only press Ctrl Enter to run this cell. So   press Control Enter. And now we ran this cell in  another way to run cells is to press shift, enter.   But in this case, we're going to run an insert  a new cell below. So now let's see I press Shift   Enter a note here, it ran the cell because  now test in n three inside square brackets.   In here, we can see that we have a new cell. Okay,  now another shortcut that is often used is the   y and m shortcut. So now this cell is a code  cell. And if we want to make this a markdown cell,   we only have to press the M letter, so we  press M and this is going to be converted to a   markdown cell. And if we press the letter y,  this is going to be converted to a Kotel and   also you can change the heading here, you can  make the heading bigger or smaller. So here,   I'm going to locate the cell A now to make  this one smaller, we can press the numbers.   So if we press the number two, we can see that  this one gets smaller. And if I press number   three, the title gets smaller for smaller and  so on. So as you can see the more hash signs,   the smaller the text. So here I'm going to delete  this hash signs. And one hash sign represents   the biggest phone size, which is the title. So  now we press Ctrl, enter, and now we have this   in heading one. But if I press number five, and  then press Control Enter, we can see that now this   cell has had in five and it's smaller. So now I'm  going to revert to heading one. So you press one,   and then Ctrl, enter. Okay, now we can navigate  through the cells by pressing on the up or down   keys on our keyboard.

And as you can see here,  we can navigate through all the cells here or   we can also press with the mouse, we can press on  the cells we want. Okay, now we can insert a new   cell above by pressing the A key so if I press a  we get here a new cell above and if I press enter   b, we get a new cell below. Now if I press  x, we're going to Cat the cell. So I press X,   and you can see that the cell was Cat A. Now if we  press V, we paste that cell below. So I press V,   now we got the cell. And if I press Shift plus V,  we get the cell pasted above. So I press shift in   V, and we get this new cell above this cell I have  here, okay, now I can delete cells by pressing   D twice. So impressed the two times. And as you  can see here, that title disappeared. So now   it tried again, and we don't have the title  anymore. But now if we press the letter Z,   we can Undo those changes. So let's undo what we  did before. I press Z, and we get here, the title   back. Okay, another useful shortcut is ctrl S,  that allows us to save the changes we made in this   Jupyter Notebook file. So I press Ctrl S, and you  can see here that says, checkpoint created. So I'm   going to press again Ctrl S, and here it says  checkpoint created in here also says the time   and it says these are some of the most common  shortcuts used in Jupyter Notebook. But you can   see other shortcuts by pressing the letter H.  So press H. And here you can see more keyboard   shortcuts. Or you can also go here to help and  then go to keyboard shortcuts here, and you get   the same window. So here you can see a list of  shortcuts for command mode. And also for the edit   mode, you can see the description of a shortcut,  and also how to do it in your operating system.   One of the typical ways to get started  with a programming language like Python,   is printing a simple message, you can write any  message you want. But it's traditional among   coders to start with a Hello World.

So let's try  it. Let's print our first message using the print   function. The print function prints a message to  the screen. So I'm going to write here, print.   And then I'm going to open parenthesis,  every time we use a function. In Python,   we have to open parenthesis, well, in this case  for the print function. And as you can see, here,   the functions get green color in Jupyter  Notebook. So that's how you can identify them. So   inside these parentheses, I'm going to write the  message. So in this case, it's going to be Hello,   world. So this is our first message.  Now, to execute this first line of code,   we have to press Ctrl N, Enter, or command and  enter if you're on Mac. So I'm going to press   this. And as you can see, here, we have our first  hello world. Another way to run this first cell   is pressing here on the run button is going to  have that same effect. So I pressed and it rang.   So as you can see here, it says in which  represents a code cell. And this is a markdown   cell, as we've seen before, one of the advantages  that Jupyter notebook has is that it allows us to   print the last object in a code cell without  specifying the print function. So for example,   here, I can print this Hello World with without  writing this print function. So I'm going to copy   this Hello World message that it's inside quotes.  And I'm gonna run this code. So just Ctrl, Enter.   And as you can see, here, we have this message  printed. So this is one of the advantages that has   up or not, if you do this in another Python  ID, it will work. So here you can try yourself,   you can write any message you want. Apart from  the first hello world, you can try with your name.   So we write prayer and then parentheses, and we  open quotes, because we need to define a string.   I'm going to tell you about strings a little bit  later. But yes, so you know right now. And here,   for example, I can write my name. So my  name is Frank, and I can print my name, then   I can print also numbers.

So I print my age 26.  And it's gonna work too. And besides writing code,   you can also add comments, comments are a useful  way to describe what we're doing in our code. So   here, we can use comments. We just have to write  their hash sign, which is this one. So you write   hash sign in, then you write the comment. In this  case, I'm gonna write my name. And I'm going to   say printing my name so we know what our code is  doing here in the front. message we wrote, We can   also add a comment. So we write hash sign. And  then we can say printing my first message. As you   can see here, the comments also have a different  colors. So, so far, we have three colors, this   color for their comments, green color, for  God functions in red color for the string,   this is just a useful functionality most texts  a to have, that allows us to easily read code.   Okay, now let's see some data types in  Python. Every volume in Python is an object,   an object has different data types. Let's  see the most common data types in Python.   So one of the most common is that the types in  Python are integer and floats. Both are numbers.   But integers are numbers that can be written  without our fractional component, just like,   for example, the number one, number 2345, and so  on. So all of them are integers. And we can check   these value or this data type by using  the type function. So this is our second   function we're going to see so we  write type, and then parentheses,   and we execute, we run this code. And as  you can see here, in the output, it says,   I n t, which represents integer, so this is an  integer. Okay, the second type of data I want to   show you is float. Floats are numbers that contain  floating decimal points. So basically 2.3, let's   say 1.25 5.4, and so on. So here, we have another  type of data. And let's check out if these are   actually floats. So we use type, and then  parentheses, and we run this code.

And we say   that we have float. And just like on Excel, you  can perform math operations in Python using these   numbers. So some operations, you can use our  addition, for example, you can say one plus two,   and then execute this code, and you get three, you  can use subtraction, so four minus one execute,   and you run this code and you get three.  You can also do multiplication, division,   exponents in more in Python. But now let's see the  third data type that we will see often on Python,   and it's the Boolean, Boolean are true or false  values. And we can check this using again,   that type function, and we write type. And  within parentheses, we write for example,   true. And we run this code and we see that we got  that bool, which represent a boolean data type. So   we can also write type, and in this case, false,  and run this code, and we get bool. Again, so this   is Boolean. And we're going to use Boolean,  often when we use conditionals. Okay, now the   fourth data type I want to show you and it's very  common is the string. A string represents a series   of characters. And in Python, anything inside  quotes, either single quotes or double quotes, is   a string. So let's see them actually, we already  see one kind of string here when we printed this   Hello, world. And you're actually familiar with  this, but we're going to see it again. So to   create a string, we have to open either single or  double quotes. So in this case, I'm going to use   double quotes. So you see it now. And now I'm  going to write any message. So I'm going to write,   for example, again, hello world. And again, to  verify the type, we can use that type function,   parentheses, run this code, and we get the STR  that represents a string. And one cool thing   a string has is methods, we can apply different  functions to strings, as we will do in Microsoft   Excel, for example. However, in Python, we use  methods a method is a function that belongs to   an object.

To call a method, we use the dot  sign after the object. Let's see some string   methods to change the case of text. So here,  I'm gonna write again, hello world. But now I'm   going to use some string methods. So write hello  world. In this case, I'm going to use the upper   method to make this uppercase, so I'm going to  use the print function. But actually, we don't   need to use the print function because as I told  you before, and Jupyter Notebook, we don't need   to use the print, because it automatically prints  the last line of code. So since this is the only   line of code in this cell block, it's going  to print it automatically. So we just run this   cell. And we have hello world in upper case. So  as you might expect, now, we can also change the   case of the text. In this case, it can be  on lower case, or title case. So I'm gonna   just copy and paste this twice. In here, I'm going  to write instead of upper, I'm going to use flour,   and then title. So you can see how it's going  to change the case. So here, I'm going to run,   and let's see what happens. So as you can  see, here, it only printed the last one,   because I told you before, it only prints the last  one. And if we want to print the three of them,   we have two options. So we can maybe here cut and  paste on each cell. Or what we can do is to print   each of them. So here, for example, I can do  print here, and I can do the same for them.   So instead of using more cells,  we can print all of them.   And here, we can print this one too. Actually, we  don't need them, we don't need it, because it's   going to print the last line. But just for the  sake of this video, I'm going to print the three   of them. So here, I'm gonna run this code. And as  you can see here, the first it has an uppercase,   the second has lowercase. And the third has a  title case. So that's how you do it on Python,   other string method that you can find Python is  the count method.

So I'm going to delete this,   and actually this one too. And we're going to see  this now. So first, I copy this. And now I paste   it here. And here, I'm going to use the count. So  the count method, so I write count. And then here   I open single quotes, and I write the letter  that we want to count. So here, for example,   I'm going to write that l letter. And what  this string method is going to do is going   to count how many times these l letter is  included in this string. So as we can see,   there are two L's, so it should set two times. So  I run these code, and actually is three because   there are two in kilo and one in world. So I was  wrong. And here, another string method that you   can use is the replace method. So we can replace  one letter for another. So here, let me copy this,   and I'm going to paste it here. And instead  of writing count, I can write replaced.   So here, the first letter that we're going to  see here is the letter that we want to replace.   So in this case, I'm going to change the L with  O. And the second letter is the letter that you   want to put in that string. So I'm going to use  the U. So I'm going to change every time that   an O appears here in the string, we're going to  replace it for you vowel. So let's try it. So   I run this code. And now it says, Well, hello  world, but with you. And these are some of the   most common string methods in Python. Okay, now  it's time to learn something that you're gonna see   often in Python, which are variables, variables  help us store data values. In Python, we often   work with data. So variables are useful to manage  this data properly. A variable contains a value,   which is the information associated with a  variable to assign a value to a variable,   we use that equal sign. So let's create  a message that says, I'm learning Python,   and stored in a variable called message underscore  one. So here, I write message underscore one. And   we set it to that is string.

I'm learning Python.  So are you open double quotes in here I Right, I'm   learning Python. So this is string. We've  seen this before. And this is the variable,   and we assign this value to the variable  using the equal sign. Now I'm going to run   this. And as you can see, nothing happens.  But actually, we just assigned that string   to the variable message underscore one. Now, if we  want to obtain the message, I'm learning Python,   we only have to type the variable name, and then  execute that code. So I'm gonna copy and paste it   here. And then we run this code. And as you can  see, by running this cell, we obtain the content   inside the variable message underscore one, we  can create as many variables as we want, just make   sure to sign different names to new variables. So  let's create a new message that says, It's fine   and stored in a variable called message underscore  two. So first, I write message. So Ms search   and underscore two, and then we set this equal to   open double quotes, and right, and it's fun.  This is my second variable, and I'm gonna run   this cell. So as we can see, the string was  assigned to the second variable. And if I   copy and paste this variable here and run this  code, we can see that the message it's there. By   the way, if you're using single quotes, instead  of double quotes, or some using in this video,   probably you have the following issue.  So here, I'm going to copy this one   and paste it here so you can see what I'm talking  about. So let's say you're let's say you're using   single quotes, instead of double quotes. So you  get this, this is a problem that you will have   when using single quotes. Because in the  English language, we use this apostrophes often.   So a simple way to deal with this is using  double quotes. So as you can see here, if I use   double quotes, everything is okay. Everything  remains as a string. But with single quotes,   it doesn't happen. So only the i gets this  string by dress, it doesn't get a string value,   or the string datatype.

So just make sure you  use double quotes every time you have these   apostrophes, and that's it. Okay, now, let's put  these two messages together. So message one with   message two, I want to put them together.  So this is called a string concatenation.   If we want to put message one, in message two,   together, we can use the plus operator. And we can  just do this. So I'm going to copy message one,   or the variable message one. And now I'm going  to copy the variable message underscore two.   And I use the plus in the middle to concatenate  this first message with this second message.   So run it, let's see what happens. So here, we  can see that the two messages were concatenated.   But here, there isn't a space between these two  messages. So this is the first message and this   is the second and there isn't any blank space  in the middle. So what we can do here is to   just add a blank space. So I'm going to copy  this one and paste it here and show you how to   do it. So here I add a new plus operator in the  middle, we open A string. So with single quotes,   or double quotes, in this case, I'm going to use  single quotes here, integrate this blank space,   I'm going to press a space. And here we have  our blank space here. And then we run this code.   And now let's see. And here as we can see,  there's a space between Python and that. And   we have this blank space. And we want we can  assign this new message to a new variable. So   I'm gonna assign this to a variable called  message. And I write message here. And I   include here below the code in here, I can print  this so as you can see, if I run this, we can   see that the message is there. Okay, now let me  show you an alternative way to join two strings.   So this is called the F string, and it works  like this. You write F and you open A string, so   we write a single quotes here. So one and two in  here. As you can see the whole, the whole thing is   red.

So it's like everything is a string in here  inside, we can write the message. So let's see,   let's say we write a simple Hello World. So hello,  world. And we run this. And as you can see here,   this is a string, it just has this F, in front of  that string. In here, one of the advantages that   this f string has is that it can have variables  inside the string. So here, for example, we can   write a variable opening these curly braces. So  these collaborations can have variables inside it.   So here, I can write message, underscore  one, and we can print it. So if we print,   we have this string, I'm learning Python a now  if we want to concatenate this first message with   our second message, we just have to include  curly braces, again, I put it here. And now   I write message two. And between message one  in message two, I just have to press pace.   And we have this. So I'm learning Python, and  it's fun. So here, we just press is pace. And this   pace also appears here. So for example, if we add  some random text, let's say ABC, we get this ABC,   between Python in between. So this is how f  string works, do you just have to write the F,   then open single quotes, and inside you can write  any message. And to include any variable, just   you have to open these curly braces, write the  variable name, and that's how to join strings.   Okay, now it's time to see a data type  that is used. Often in data analysis,   I'm talking about this. In Python lists are used  to store multiple items in a single variable   list are order and mutable containers. In Python,  we call mutable, two objects that can change their   values, that is, elements within LA's can change  their values to great Alice, we have to introduce   that element inside the square brackets separated  by commas. So let's create our first list.   First, we have to set the name of the list.  In this case, I'm going to name it countries.   And now to create the list, we have to open  square brackets SAS said before.

So here,   we open square brackets. And here we have  to write the elements. So I'm gonna include   in these countries list just strings, and they're  going to be names of countries. So the first one,   I'm going to write the United States. So  this is the first element in my list. And to   write the second, we have to use the comment. So  here, comma, and now the second. So let's write   India, tomorrow. So now China, and finally  Brazil. So these are the four countries,   as you can see here, these are lists. So we have  the square brackets that represent the list.   And we have four strings. And this is how we  define or how you create a list. So now I'm going   to run this one. And to see the content, I'm going  to paste the name of this list in now I run here,   I include only strings. But keep in mind that  lists can have elements of different types.   So for example, one string and the other  and integer, and then a float, and so on.   And also lists can have duplicated elements.  So for example, I can have here, United States,   written twice. So here, for example, I can write  United States, twice m, that's okay, because this   can have duplicate elements, but I don't want  it that way. So I'm gonna delete it and leave it   as it is. Okay. Now, if we want to get an element  inside this list, we have to use something called   indexing. By indexing, we can obtain an element by  its position. So each item in a list has an index,   which is the position in the list. Python uses  zero based indexing, that is the first element   so United States has an index zero, the second So  India has an index one, and so on. To access an   element by its index, we need to use the square  brackets again. So let's see some examples.   Let's start by getting the first element.  So United States. So what we have to do is   to write the name of the list, in this case  countries, and then open square brackets,   in inside square brackets, we have to write the  position of this element.

So it starts with zero,   so we write zero to get that first element.  And then we run this code. And as you can see,   we get the first element. So if we write  here, countries square brackets, one,   we get India. And if we write countries square  brackets to we get China, and we do this,   with the number three, we get Brazil. So to  verify this, I'm gonna print each of them.   So let's see what happens. So here print. And  finally print this one. In now I'm going to run   and we shall get each element of the list from the  United States to Brazil. So let's try out. So here   we have each of them, United States, the first  one, then India, then China, and then Brazil. So   it's correct. So this is the most common way to  use indexing, but there is also negative index,   this helps us get elements is starting  on the last position of the list. So   instead of using indexes from zero and above,  we'll use indexes from minus one and below.   So let's get the last element of the list.  But now using a negative index, so we want   to get the last element which is Brazil. And  we did it before with countries square brackets   three. But now we're going to do it with negative  indexing. So here, I'm going to write countries   and copy and paste it here. And now I open  square brackets. And instead of writing three,   we're going to write minus one. And these minus  one represents the first element is Talend. From   the last position to Brazil will be minus one,  China is minus two, India minus three United   States minus four. And that's how it works. So I'm  going to run this one countries, square brackets,   minus one, and we will get Brazil and we got it.  So let's do this one more time. And in this case,   I want to get United States, which is minus 123,  and four, so it's countries minus four. So we run   this and we got United States, but now using a  negative index. Okay, now let's see something   called as slicing is slicing means accessing parts  of the list, as lies is a subset of list elements   is slice notation takes the form of a list.

So the list name, and then a square brackets   and this tart, then this colon and stop this is  Todd represents the index of the first element in   his top represents that element to stop at without  including it in the slides. So let's see some   examples. So I'm going to use this country's list  again, and use I'm going to copy this one, and   I'm going to paste it here. So this is the name  of my list. And now I open square brackets. And   we're going to get, let's say, we're going to  talk at position number zero, and then column   and let's get from zero to position number two,  so we have to write three, because it stops   at three without including these elements in the  position number three. So let's run this one. And   as you can see, here, we have index zero, index  one and index two. So it didn't include index   number three, you know, let's say we want just  the first element, so we write from zero to one.   So it's only zero and one no, because it doesn't  include one, and it's topped at one. So here I   run, and we got only United States. So now let's  try something different. Let's say we want to get   elements from index one to the last one. So let's  say let me see here. We want to get from India to   Brazil. So it's one two and three. So we have to  write four because it stops at four and we got   three. So let's write here 124 English  we'll get Yeah, India, China, and Brazil. So   this is one way to do it. But another  way to do it is just delete this and   leave it as it is and then run the code. And  as we can see, we got the same result. So   every time you want to get from one position  to the last one, you can omit the top element,   and just leave it without that element.  So just as we did here, and the same   goes for the start. So let's say we want to get  from the first position, so index zero to two.

So   we don't include that start element, and we write  only colon, and two. So we're on this, and we get   United States. And then we get India, because this  is the first and this is the second. So every time   we want to get from the first element, or into the  last element, we can omit that target and its top   elements, as we did in these two examples. Okay,  now let's see how we can add elements to a list.   There are different methods that help us add  a new element two lists. So let's have a look.   The first one is called append. And we're going  to use that counters list as an example. So I'm   going to write countries just so you can remember.  And here it's countries. And as you can see,   it has four elements. And let's say we want  to add any country to this country's list. So   what we can do is just right here, or paste  here, countries, you know, add, append, or that   append in here, as you can see is this method. So  inside parentheses, we can write the new country,   we want to add to this list. So let's  say we want to add the country Canada.   So write Canada. And now we'll run this  code. As you can see, nothing is printed,   but it will print the counters list again, we  see here a new element. So as you can see here,   that append method adds a new element at the end  of the list. So this is by default at the end. But   what happens if you want to add an element in a  different position. So here, you can use another   method, which is called that insert method. So  let me show you here, I'm gonna copy countries,   you know, I'm going to use the Insert method. So I  write that insert, then parentheses, and this one   accepts two arguments. The first one is the index.  So the position of the element do want to insert.   So let's say we want these are the first position.  And the second argument that it takes is the   new element do want to add. So in this case,  let's say we want to add that Elements pane,   so these, another country, and it's going  to be in the first position, so index zero.

So let's try I run this one. And again, nothing  happens, apparently, nothing happens. And here,   if I run this country's list, again, we can see  that there is a new element, and this element is   pain. It's located in the first position. Unlike  Canada, that was placed in the last position.   This is one of the difference between the append  method and the insert method. So with insert,   we can specify the position, we want to  insert this new element, but with append,   the element is added at the last  position. Another thing you can do is to   join two lists, using the plus operator would use  the task operator to concatenate strings before   but you can also join two lists. So let me show  you here. I'm going to create a new list just to   show you how it works. So my new list is going to  be called countries underscore two. So I'm gonna   include different countries. So in this case, it's  going to be the UK, then Germany am. That's right,   Austria. So we have three countries in this new  list. And now I'm going to run this one. And   if we want to concatenate these first  list countries, with the second list,   countries to We can use the plus  operator. So here, I write plus.   And then I run this one. And as you can see,  I got five elements from the first list.   And three elements from the second list in  another cool thing you can do in Python is   putting these two lists inside another list,  which is called nested list. So let's try out.   So here, I'm gonna create a new list, it's  gonna be called nested underscore list.   In here, I'm going to open square brackets  to create a new list. And as elements, I'm   going to write countries, which is my first list,  and then comma, and then countries underscore two.   And this is my second list. So as you can  see here, these elements inside this list,   the first is a list in the second is the list.  So we have lists inside another list, which is   called a nested list.

So I run this one, and then  I paste nested underscore list, and we run and we   get here. The first is as first element and the  second list as second element, you won't see these   nested lists so often, but you will encounter this  a couple of times, so it's good for you to know.   So now we're going to say the opposite of  adding an element to a list, which is removing   an element. So here, I guess, pasted the country  slate we had before. And what we're going to do is   to remove some of the elements of this list. So  there are different methods that help us remove   an element from the list. One of them is the  remove method. So to remove an element using this,   we have to first write the name of the list, and  then use that that sign and then write remove,   and write parentheses in inside here, we have to  write the element we want to get rid of. So first,   it's United States. So write United States.  And let's run this one. And as you can see,   apparently, nothing happens. But if  we paste countries, here, we have   all the elements, but United States is not there.  So as you can see, the first matching value   was removed. But you can also remove an element  by its index. So this is accomplished without   pop methods. So I'm going to copy all of this.  And now I'm going to paste it here. So instead of   writing that, remove, I'm gonna write that pop in  here, I'm not gonna use the name of the element,   but its index. So I write the index. In this case,  let's remove the last one. So it's going to be   index minus one. And what pop is going to do  is to remove that element with index minus one,   and then returns this element. So this element is  Canada, I didn't run this code here, so you can   ignore it. So I'm going to come in this one. And  our reference is going to be this this list. And   to verify we use write countries, and then run,  and here, as you can see, there isn't Canada   anymore.

And that's how you remove an element  using the pop method. But there's still another   way to remove an item using an a specific index.  And it's that Dell. So I'm going to show you here,   del, it's the function del function. And here, we  have to write the countries list. And then again,   open square brackets in here, write that index.  So I write here, the index. And unlike the pop   method, we're not going to get the name of the  element we're getting rid of, but just deleting   the element. So I run this one. And here, we  didn't get anything. And I'm gonna print this.   So countries and that element at index zero was  removed. So it's pain because that's the first   element so we delete it or we remove the first  element. So we only got India, China and Brazil.   And there you have it three different ways  to remove an element from a list. Okay,   now let's see how to sort a list. We can easily  solve a list using the stock method. Let's create   a new list called numbers. And then sorted from  the smallest to the largest number. So here first   I write numbers, and then open square brackets. So  I'm going to write some random numbers. So force   four, then three, then 10, then seven, one, and  then two. So this is my list. So I run this code.   And now to sort it from the smallest to the  largest number, we write numbers, then sort,   then open parentheses. And by default, this  is going to be sorted from the smallest to   the largest number. So I run numbers again, in  here, it starts with one, and it ends with 10.   And as you can see, it's from the smallest to the  largest number. So that's the default behavior   of the SOC method. But we can control how this  works. So we can add that reverse argument to the   SOAR method to control the order. So if we want it  to be descendant, we set reverse to true. So here,   again, I'm going to create again, the numbers  list, and then write numbers. That sort   in inside parenthesis, I write the reverse  argument in, I'm going to set it to true here.

And then I'm gonna print numbers. So here, I get  an error, because here it I wrote number and its   numbers. So here, I'm going to add the s, and here  s two, so run again. And here we have, from the   end here, we see that the list is sorted from  the largest number to the smallest number.   So as you can see, the default behavior of this  sort method is reverse equal to false. So you can   control it here, by writing reverse equal to true  as we did here, okay, now let's see how we can   update values. And always, to update a value on  a list, we use indexing to okay, that element we   want to update, and then we set it to a new value  using that equal sign. So let's say we want to   update the first element of this numbers  list. So now it's four, but we want it to be,   let's say, 1000. So we write here numbers.  And we use indexing. So we write numbers,   the first element has index zero, so we write  numbers of square brackets than zero, then we   set it equal to the new value we want to include.  So in this case, I'm going to write 1,000th.   And now I'm going to print the numbers,  please, to see the results. So run this   one. And as you can see, here, the number of  leads we got is from the last change we made,   so the one that's taught with 10. So it's not  this one, but this one because it's the last   one we ran. So instead of 10, we replace this one  with 1000, because this is the first element with   index zero. So with ID, numbers, square bracket  zero, and we update that first element with 1000.   Okay, finally, we can make copies of the list we  created. So there are different options to create   a copy of a list. One of them is that slicing  technique. So as you might remember, to do   slicing, we have first to write the name of  that list, which in this case, is countries.   And then we open square brackets, then  we're supposed to write the start and   stop. So in this case, we're not going  to write start in a stop but only column.

So if we don't write start in, we don't write  stop, it means we want the whole list. So   let's try this out. I'm going to run this  one. And as you can see, here, we got the   whole list. So the counter sleaze doesn't have  the original values, because of the changes we   made when we added and remove elements. So I'm  going to pace the original counters list with   four original values that are the United States,  India, China and Brazil. And here let's see the   changes in how we test it out. In as you can see,  we got the whole list. So from the first element   United States to the last element Brazil, because  we're slicing the whole list. So if we write here,   new underscore list, and we set this  equal to countries with this slicing,   what is going to happen This new list is going  to have the same values as the country list.   So I write here new list. And as you can see  here, it has the same values. So recreated copy of   that counters list. So this is one way how  you can create a copy. And the second way is   more straightforward, or is it more explicit,  so is using the copy method. So we write,   again, countries the name of the list, and  then we use the copy method. So write, copy,   and then parentheses. So with this, we create  a copy of this list. So let's run this code.   And as you can see here, it returns the  list. But if we assign these to a new list,   we're going to create a copy. So here, I'm going  to write new underscore list underscore two.   So here, we assign this copy to this new list. So  I'm going to copy this new list and paste here.   And as you can see, here, we have the values  of this list, which are the same as the   original countries list that is here. And  that's it. That's how you make a copy of a list.   So now let's see how dictionaries work in Python.  In Python, a dictionary is an unordered collection   of items used to store data values, and a  dictionary contains a key and a value.

So   this is what you will often see in a dictionary.  So here, for example, the name of my dictionary is   my underscore dict. And to create this dictionary,  we have to use these curly braces. So we open   curly braces in inside, we write our first item in  the first item consists of a key here on the left,   and then our value here, and it's separated with  the colon. So here we have the key, then column,   and then the volume. And then we have here the  second item. So the second key and the second   value. So now let's create a dictionary that  has some basic information about me. So I'm   going to name this dictionary, my underscore data.  And now to create this dictionary, I'm gonna open   curly braces. And the first key is going to be  name. So I write name, and it has a value that   is my name. So I'm going to write Frank. So  I open single quotes, and then write Frank.   And then I'm going to add a new item. So I write  coma. And then the second key is going to be age.   And the second value is going to be my age. So in  this case, I'm going to write my age, which is 26.   So as you can see here, the first is a strength,  the first value is a string, and the second is   integer. So we can mix different datatypes.  So now I press Ctrl, enter to run this   code, and we created this dictionary. So now  I write my underscore data in here you have   the dictionary we created. So here we can get the  keys of this dictionary, we only have to write my   underscore data that keys so this is the keys  method. So we run this, and we get this dict   underscore keys. And the values are name and age,  which are the keys of this dictionary we created.   So name the first key and age the second key.  Now we can get also the values. So my name and my   age. So we just have to use the values method. So  I'm going to paste this one here. And instead of   writing that keys, I'm going to write that values.  And now run this and we get my name and then   my age.

So next, I'm going to get the items. So  as I said before, an item is this. So this is the   first item. And this is the second item. So we can  say that the item is a pair of key and volume. So   we can get this by using the items method. So  instead of writing dot values, I'm going to   write here that items and then run this one. So  here we got the first item. So the first pair,   key and value, which is my name am well  that key name and then my name Frank.   And then the second items so the key name,  age and the age which is 26. Now we can add   a new pair of key value in this dictionary we  created. So let's say we want to add my height.   So I write my data in. Let's say we want to add  the key name height. So I write height. So we use   square brackets here. And then we set this to the  value. So let's say it's 1.7. So I write my data,   and then square brackets, then hide inside it,  and then equal to 1.7. So if I run this, in,   then I run the dictionary, we can see that there  is a new item, and it's the height. So height,   column, and then 1.7. This is how you add  a new item to the dictionary, a now we can   update this height. So let's say I'm not  1.7, but I'm 1.8 meters. So what we can do   is to use that update method to update this  value. So I write my underscore data. In here,   I can use the update method. So I write update,  and then inside parentheses, we have to open   curly braces to update this new item. So  I'm gonna write the key, which is height.   And then I'm going to set the new height, which  is 1.8. So let's try this out. I run this, and   then let's see the values. So let's see if it was  updated. So I ran this, and we got the height 1.8.   So it's perfect. So now let's see how we can make  a copy of a dictionary, the same way we did before   for the lists. So to make a copy, we just have to  write the name of the dictionary, in this case,   it's my underscore data. And then just as we did  for the list, we can use that copy method.

So   we write that copy with parentheses, and then we  create an a copy. So here you can see the copy.   And now I can assign these to a new dictionary.  So I'm going to write new underscore dict.   And now, I'm going to copy this one, I'm going  to run and then I write new underscore dict.   And run this. And as you can see, it has the  value of the my underscore data dictionary.   And something I didn't tell you when I make a  copy of the list is that if you change the data   inside that my underscore data dictionary, so the  old dictionary, that effect is not going to be   seen in the new dictionary. So for example,  if we write one, that nine, and here,   I update this in the old dictionary, so here  you can see height 1.9. And if we run this new   underscore dict, we can see that after running,  this height, remains with the same value 1.8.   And he doesn't change to 1.9. This doesn't happen  if you make one of these copies most people do.   So let me show you what I'm talking about. So  most people just make a copy doing new data,   underscore to equal to my data. So this is the  old dictionary, and this is my new dictionary.   So what happens if I run this, and then I,  I'm going to show you the values of this new   dictionary. So this is 1.9. And if I update this  to, let's say, one point, 95. So update here,   update here, here is one point 95. And if I  run this new underscore dict underscore two,   we can see that the value was updated to  and this shouldn't happen. So if you want   to create a new