Interesting Projects 1-3. Big data analysis using Arduino and Excel - Circuit Diagram

First we would like to make the measuring equipment of this project in the second soon we will study the circuit diagram of the project prior to producing the measuring equipment lettuce a simpler wind speed temperature and humidity sensor to the arduino and create a related circuit. Hey Jonathan please continue. Let's look at the circuit diagram and related the component first we will use the Arduino Uno board which is the most amazing of many in for tackling a photo. Let's connect to wind speed sensor to measure wind speed at 1 meter and 3 meters in height the wind speed sensor we call it. Anemometer take the power of 16 to 20 volts from an external power supply it will generate the current signal according to the wind speed while the wheel rotates by live and continue to zan the value of these changes to the Arduino to provide a 16 to 20 volt of power to the wind speed sensor connect the external power supply to the breadboard and connect these powerful and ground to both a nano meters. The analog current result measured at 3 meters height a nanometer is transmitted to a 1 another port of they. Arduino board and the another current result measured at 1 meter high. A nanometer is transmitted to the 8 0 analog pin the temperature and humidity sensor user 5 for power supply from the Arduino it connected to the power source of the Arduino and the ground port and the measured result is passed to d4 one of the digital port. Now let's look at the adrenal diagram and see the configuration again. The analog win signal generated by to a nanometer is entered in a zero and a one terminal port. Arduino provide power and grounding to temperature and humidity sensor while temperature and humidity result are entered into digital port T info well so far I have summarized the project search in structure. Next time we'll take a look at specification of wind speeds sensor temperature humidity sensor and external power supply component. See you next time. If you want to get more information please visit my create full site and if you want to get full article and script about this movie clip please visit my rogue site.

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