Frequency Distribution with Data Analysis Toolpak

Good afternoon students. Today we're going to do a frequency distribution with. Excel using the data analysis. Toolpak this data that. I have here is just some characteristic data own clients that I taught and you see I have their height in inches. And so we're going to do a frequency distribution of their height in intervals. So click on the data tab and we're going to use the data analysis tool if you do not already have it installed. Then you need to go to file options. Add-ins choose the announced to that and then at the bottom where it says manage. Excel onions and then analysis tool that should be checked and say ok and it will automatically install into your version of Excel on your computer. You only have to install it once so once you get it installed. You'll have it. So now we are going to go to data analysis and histogram right and you'll remember that a histogram is the chart that is created continuous data so we say ok and then we need to choose our data and so. I'm going to include the heading all the way down to the bottom of the data because I chose the heading of check check labels and then I need to choose a bend range. You're being set up so that you have the upper limit of your intervals so here my intervals are 55 to 59 60 to 64 65 to 69 and 70 to 74 in my being values are 69 64 69 and 70 fathoms and notice that. I am in a new worksheet when I'm doing this and then choose your output range and I'm just going to choose one cell which is the one but you could choose any cell you want wherever you wanted and then don't need it to do a cumulative percentage. I do want it to chart my output and then I just say and it automatically creates this nice frequency distribution for me but this is not the way we are used to seeing a frequency distribution so I'm going to copy it down here to where we have our intervals and then and then artisans and then to calculate the relative frequency start with equals that cell divided by the total and if you make it make the total absolute if for I mean I can create that formula once and then drag and then I can decrease decimal places.

The only thing miss it you.